Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Responsibilities Of A Manager Essay - 1100 Words

Nursing plays a very important role in healthcare. Nursing is not only about sticking people or giving medications. Nursing is a very complex field, because nurses are hands-on in patient care. Two essential jobs in nursing care are the managers and the bedside nurses. Both of these are needed to make sure the patient will receive the best care. These roles are guided by evidence-based practice, research, and theory knowledge; however, the core of nursing is based on the expected professional values that every nurse should possess. A manager of care is a very important role in nursing. A nurse manager holds a lot of responsibility. Over time, management scientists and theorists have developed and refined the duties of a manager. Although these scientists and theorists bring a different prospective, all their works combine to formulate the duties of a manager. Henri Fayol was the first to identify the responsibilities of a manager, and Luther Gulick extended the idea with the â€Å"seven activities of management† (Marquis B. L. and Huston C.J. 2015).The seven activities were planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting (Marquis B. L. and Huston C.J. 2015). Theorists proposed the idea of managers needing to have great human relation skills. Worker satisfaction became the challenge. Mary Parker proposed her belief that managers should work with the employees not dictate over them (Marquis B. L. and Huston C.J.). Elton Mayo and his colleaguesShow MoreRelatedManagers resp onsibility1650 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment 1 Man11 Mark Coughlan 19594135 The mangers most basic responsibility is to focus people toward performance of work activities to achieve desired outcomes. A manager is someone who works with and through other people by co-ordinating their work activities to accomplish organisational goals. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Battle Of The Civil War - 1245 Words

The American Civil War, fought from 1861 to 1865, determined the condition of the United States. The Southern slave states, also known as the Confederate States of America upon their secession from the country, attempted to keep the system of slavery alive for as long as possible. Many combats were fought during this four-year period; specifically, the battle in the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1st – 3rd, 1863, proved to be a pivotal turning point in the war. Author Henry Pfanz describes the battle in great detail in his historical analysis, Gettysburg: The First Day, examining the choices and costs made by both the Union Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. The vital decisions made during†¦show more content†¦To Buford’s credit, his defensive skills proved to be paramount that morning. Leading multiple brigades, he successfully defended his men against Confederate forces: â€Å"Though the cavalry’s morn ing battle was essential to the Union success at Gettysburg, it seems not to have been the knock-down, drag-out fight that some of the cavalrymen claimed it to be†. Arguably, Buford also understood the land of Gettysburg better than any other general. He recognized the importance of high ground around Gettysburg; the hills were perfect for his advantage. More importantly, he recognized that if Confederate forces seized said hills in the adjacent land, Meade and the Union Army of the Potomac would not stand a chance. To prevent such disaster, Buford’s brigades set up camps west of Seminary Ridge. His personal headquarters, the Eagle Hotel, intersected Chambersburg and Washington streets in the northeast corner. Pfanz suggests that the people of Gettysburg even felt safe with Buford in their incidence: â€Å"Although they [people of Gettysburg] had seen Confederate campfires on South Mountain and had a near visit by Pettigrew’s brigade, the presence of Buford†™s troopers gave them a sense of security†. Buford’s excellent defensive strategies reflected the performance of his troops, and thus, saved the Union I Corps from potential obliteration by rebel forces for days to come. Initially,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

An 18

An 18-Year-Olds Right Essay Ever since the end of prohibition in 1933 the United States government has placed theissue of MLDA (minimum legal drinking age) sensitively in the hands of the states, letting eachdecide for itself what the minimum age should be. At that time all agreed that the minimumlegal drinking age should be 21, where it remained for all states until 1970. Between 1970, and1975 a number of states (29 to be exact) played around with the idea of lowering that age to 20,19, and even 18 for some states. At this time the minimum age for other activities, like the rightto vote were being lowered as well. The argument was that if a person is considered an adult at18, and can serve his or her country and vote in its elections, he or she ought to be able to have adrink.(Toomey 1) This is exactly the way I feel about it. The drinking age should be lowered to18. During the period in the 70s when many states were lowering their drinking agesscientists started doing studies to determine whether or not the younger drinking ages had anyeffect on automobile accidents. These studies generally concluded that traffic accidentssignificantly increased among teenagers after the MLDA was lowered.(Toomey 1)It can,however, easily be argued that since these studies came out right after the drinking ages had beenlowered, they would naturally show that there was an increase in death among teenagers. Anytime you change something dramatically it takes a while for things to settle into a routine. If all of a sudden, for instance, you allow 18-year-olds to drink alcohol when before they couldnt,its going to take a while before that becomes the norm, and therefore less exciting and alluring. These studies would have been far more accurate if they had been done after society had adaptedto the change. When the government found that many of the states were lowering the drinking age to 18and 19, it began to worry about the safety of teens in those and neighboring states. One of theways that the government tried to discourage this was by offering increased highway incentivesfor any states who maintained a minimum. The states were only to quick to volunteer to raisetheir minimums. The government also threatened to reduce the amount of federal money offeredto the states for improvement of the highways. Obviously the states didnt want to lose anymoney so they complied with the government. Many people believe that there are other ways to decrease the number of accidents andteenage deaths associated with teenage drinking. Many states have Zero Tolerance Lawswhich severely punish underage teens who are driving with any blood alcohol in their bodies atall. The punishment is usually the loss of the offending teens license, and those officials whostand on the side of lowering the drinking age feel that this would be enough of a deterrent tokeep underage teens from drinking and driving. The current standard MLDA is 21, many feelthis is unfair because it crosses to many age and social barriers. For instance, many collegejuniors and seniors can drink, but sophomores and freshman cannot. This automatically breedsunlawful activity, because college freshman and sophomores cant party with their friendsaccording to the law. By the time most high school seniors graduate they have already turned18, and those who havent soon will. If the minimum drinking age were lowered to 18 or 19 i twould dramatically cut down on the number of incidents of illegal drinking on collegecampuses. A minimum drinking age of ten obviously makes no sense because no one would expecta 10-year-old to be able to distinguish between an alcoholic beverage and a non-alcoholic one. However 19 as a minimum drinking age is a much more realistic goal. The theory is that by 19most people have completed or are at least out of high school and are out functioning in a worldmuch older than that of their days in school. They are expected to be more mature, and to act asadults in all other ways. They can smoke, marry, have sexual relationships, have children, buylottery tickets, make contracts, and die, but in most states are still not old enough to have a drink,and many people feel this is wrong.(Drinking 1)By making young adults wait until their 21st birthday only breeds disaster, and makesunderage drinking seem more mysterious and desirable. Prohibition didnt stop the Americanpeople from drinking, it just forced them to do it in secret, much the way in which states with anMLDA of 21 do today. P opular thought dictates that lowering the MLDA to 19 would not have aharmful result, but a positive one instead.(Drinking 1)Representative Scott Klug from Washington visits many University campuses, and isalways asked by students why the federal government sets the legal drinking age at 21. Klugwho agrees with young adults, and is in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18 has recentlyintroduced The States Rights Act of 1996 which would end Washingtons financial coercion toadopt a national standard. Although the states are actually individually responsible for settingtheir own standards the government, in an effort to reduce the number of teenage deathsassociated with drunk driving, have imposed restraints on states who dont have MLDA of 21 bytaking away part of their federal aid for highway projects. By 1989 all 50 states had agreed toraise their MLDA to 21. Aushwitz diary EssayThose policies in the second category that are designed to limit access to alcoholicbeverages include raising the minimum legal drinking age, restricting the number, location, andhours of sale of stores that sell alcohol, and prohibiting the promotion of alcoholic beverages oncollege campuses. Still other laws like Dram shop laws, hold drinking establishments and insome cases private individuals, responsible for consequences due to underage drinking.(Gordis208)Choosing, implementing, and administering alcohol related policy in the United States is complex, and agencies other than those run by the government seek to influence policy, whichcan make the job of the federal, state, and local governments less burdensome at times andaggravating at others.Regardless of what the nay sawyers think about it, the ultimate authorityin the debate over the legal drinking age should rest with the states. The government hadoriginally given the states the right to choose their Mi nimum Legal Drinking Age, and I thinkthat it should continue to be that way. However, its also unconstitutional, in a way, to deny18-year-old adults the right to drink when they are afforded all others. If the United Statesexpects 18-year-olds to act like adults, register for the draft, and be responsible for themselves inlegal matters they ought to be able to have a drink now and again. Works Cited:.Castaneda, Carol J. La. drinking-age ruling rekindles debate. USA TODAY 17 March 1996,natl. ed.: A3. Drinking age is too high. The Observer. (Febuary 18, 1998: visited site September 30, 1998). Gordis, Enoch. Alcohol research and social policy: an overview. Alcohol Health ; ResearchWorld September 1996: 208. Toomey, Traci L., Carolyn Rosenfeld, and Alexander Wagenaar. The minimum legal drinkingage: history, effectiveness, and ongoing debate. Alcohol Health Research WorldSeptember 1996: 213. Tumulty, Brian. Should the Drinking Age Be a Federal Issue?. Gannet News Service 24 June1996, eastern ed.: S11.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

‘Slavery in the Chocolate Industry’ Essay Example For Students

‘Slavery in the Chocolate Industry’ Essay ? Question 1: What are the systemic, corporate and individual ethical issues raised by this case? The article Slavery in the Chocolate Industry (Velasquez, 2012) is about child slavery in cocoa plantations in West Africa. Slavery in the chocolate industry case has systemic, corporate and individual ethical issues. First, from the point of systemic ethical issue, economic system should be taken into consideration. The price of cocoa beans had declined since 1996, which urged farmers to think about operate slavery to reduce the working costs. There is another systemic issue relates to the statutory aspect of slavery in the chocolate industry. Slavery is illegal on farms in the Ivory Coast but the law is rarely enforced, as it seems. (Kuski, 2012) The next point is corporate ethical issue by the case. Middlemen who grind and process cocoa beans they acquire and collect these with their own Trucks from the Ivory Coast and sell the product to manufacturers. That means the middlemen are conscious of the slavery labor problem. After the media attention since the British television company True Vision and antislavery group activities, U. S. Senator Tom Harkin and U. S. representative Eliot Engel, the members of the Chocolate Manufacturers Association and the World Cocoa Foundation, together with human rights groups and the Ivory Coast signed narrative of Cooperation. But the problem is they cannot control over anything because there are more than a million cocoa farms, most of them family farms and they located in rural regions in Africa. Lastly, there are some individual ethical issues whereby the Cocoa farmers are affected the most of the issue because it is illegal to use child slavery labor. The International labor Organization (ILO) termed forced labor as: â€Å"All work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of a penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily†. Also it is immorally wrong to take someone unwillingly. Another issue is the consumers who know the problem. That means us. Even if we know the companies names involved in this case we continue to buy and to consume or Chocolate Consumers aren’t kept so far removed from the Cocoa slavery issue that they are unaware or even be ignorant of the mentioned issue- so they have no apologize. Question 2: In your view is the kind of child slavery discussed in this case absolutely wrong no matter what or is it only relatively wrong i. e. if one happens to live in a society like ours that disapproves of Slavery? In the1979’s draft articles on State Responsibility, the International Law Commission suggested that state acts are international crimes if they seriously breach international peace, deny people the right of self-determination, or fail to guarantee human life and dignity (e. g. , slavery, genocide, and apartheid). Other breaches, according to the Draft Articles, are international torts. (International Law Commission Draft Articles, 1979) In my opinion, child slavery is completely wrong. Why should I force someone to work who would not want to do? Certainly the farmers are under some pressure as the prices of beans are seemingly pressed repeatedly. The trading price of cocoa is one of the most unpredictable ones. The price is determined by multiplying the bean price by a ratio of cocoa powder and cocoa butter. If the ratio falls below a certain number, than the production of cocoa generates a very low profit. It is these low profits and risky circumstances that lead farmers to buy children and use slave labor, rather than paying a fair price. (Zetterstrom, 2006) They also need to make meet an end- they may also have a family at home who have to be fed. On the other hand, one could, as the Geneva-based International Cocoa Initiative (a partnership between industry, civil society and labor groups) think, that child labor is largely a consequence of unsatisfactory school access and poverty. Laura Burke, 2012) So are the children assumed they had the blame for their enslavement, and get even more an accommodation by the farmers and work-a task in life? Slavery is absolutely wrong would certainly say all people from the West, including me, because we hold personal freedom as a right. In countries where there is a high child death rate due to poverty, and starvation, living as a slave could be s een as a preferable option compared to death or living on the street-if they did not get as in this case, better housing and better treatment. Everyone depends on everyone. .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .postImageUrl , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:hover , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:visited , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:active { border:0!important; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:active , .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf20db9fa6b9933ab8dd1b1c6ad4d9c5d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gender socialization EssayIt is in the true sense of the word a vicious circle, of which is truly difficult to come out. As the farmer can live without feeling guilty, thats a good question. They do not have the right to mistreat people due to standing under pressure to have enough money. My opinion is that the major moral issue here is the treatment of the boys. Question 3: Who shares in the moral responsibility for the slavery occurring in the Chocolate industry? The term Morality deals with the norms, values and beliefs in social processes which describe right and wrong for everyone. Crane Matten, 2010) I believe all farmers, government, American chocolate Companies, D istributors, and Consumers share the moral responsibility in this case. All of them contribute to the continuation and practice of slavery. But the groups that can drive the greatest change to eliminate the use of slavery to harvest cocoa bean are the American Chocolate Companies, Distributors and Consumer who drive the prices for Chocolate. So the moral responsibility comes from the top. They are the string puller and the others are all their puppets, dance in that way they want them to dance. To carry moral obligation is not easy when it concerns slavery. How can the leaders of major corporations just stand back? Maybe they have a son the same age sitting at home. The large corporations seemingly hide themselves from any emotional obligations/bonds and follow the consumer society. African families think about voluntarily to send their children to such farms, so that money comes into the fund. One example is Yao, who was sent by his own father for hard work. I was living in Bouake with my grandmother, Yao Kouassi said. But my father sent me here to work. I have not seen my family for three years. (Humphrey Hawksley, 2011) So he had even been at a family place, from which he was expelled. That conduct shows a complicity of the African families. We as consumers should possibly think about us about informing us about the origin of the food we eat. Question 4: Consider the Bill that Representive Engle and Senator Harkin attempted to enact into a law, but which never became a law because of the lobbying efforts of the chocolate companies. What does this incident show about the view that â€Å"to be ethical it is enough for businesspeople to follow the law†? Although the bill would come through, that large corporations would probably only agreed on account of the law and not because of any ethical backgrounds. If they would provide their malfunction, they would have agreed with the first filing of the bill. This procrastination is an unethical way of thinking. So, is it sufficient that businesspeople act only according to the law and ethical matters may be hidden? In my opinion, every company goes down the tubes when it thinks only of money and leave ethical things out respectively favor profits than the ethical doings. (Parkhe, 2013) Ethic programs are mentioned in many companies compliance. They focus is on the employees duty to comply with laws and organizational codes. Often this results in a setting that makes you just what you have to do and also staying away from trouble. These attitudes and behavior disregards the ethical implications of the conduct and standards of conduct treats as mere obstacles to be overcome or avoided. So that means compliance stands for things that I have to do and ethics of what I could do. â€Å"The area of discretion between the legal â€Å"must† and the moral â€Å"should† presents challenges to our ethical consciousness. That is why there is a difference between what we have a right to do and what is right to do. † (Josephson Institute, 2010) If one uses the German pharmaceutical company Merck as a practical example you can see that for some companies also ethics can come first. .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .postImageUrl , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:hover , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:visited , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:active { border:0!important; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:active , .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5bcc3b62adde475882d04d492ffea75f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Plot Essay SummaryMany companies put profit ahead of ethics, as in the article the chocolate factories have done. The managers of Merck have spent several hundred million dollars on the introduction of a product, even though they knew that it will not be promising profitable. They felt they had an ethical obligation to make its potentially great benefits available to people. (Velasquez, 2006, p7) Other people as Milton Friedman put profit over ethics: â€Å"The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits†. (Friedman, 1970, p. 2) On the other hand some large companies, such as Starbucks, Amazon and American Express followed that example and put ethic s first. (Kulikowski, 2012) You see, there are also global companies they act ethically. Unfortunately, the major chocolate manufacturers apparently think otherwise. Words: 1. 399 References Crane, A, and Matten, D (2010) Business Ethics, Oxford University Press: Oxford Forced Labour Convention No. 29 (1930) Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour(Entry into force: 01 May 1932) Available

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Personal Development of the Narrator in The Color Purple Essay Example

The Personal Development of the Narrator in The Color Purple Essay The narrator tries to persuade God she has done nothing wrong and she asks him for a sign or answer to the events of her life, I have always been a good girl maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me. She begins to find out what her stepfather is really like to live with and the demands of his sexual needs, which she also as to meet, he never had a kine word to say to me Your gonna do what your mammy wouldnt. The narrator only has a very vivid knowledge of sex, and therefore does not understand her stepfather raping her, first he put is thing up gainst my hip and sort of wiggle it around, Then he grad hold my titties. However she does know it is wrong and that she hates every moment of it:Stepfather: You better shut up and git used to itThe Narrator: But I never git used to it.As a result of these rapes the narrator becomes pregnant. On page 3 there is a subheadingwhich reads, You better never tell nobody but God. Itd kill your mother. And at the start o f the second diary entry (page 4) it begins My mammy dead, this seems to suggest the narrators stepfather has told her mother about the rapings and the baby? Her mother begins screaming and cussing at her. This give the impression that the story told could have been in the stepfathers favor and made to look like the narrators doing? Referring to the bottom of page 3 it says She happy (the narrators mother) this indicates she doesnt know anything about any sex and/or raping thats has occurred.After the death of the narrators mother the narrator is made to become the next motherly figure. She portrays this through the novel by explaining how big (pregnant) she is in terms of work and tasks within her daily life, By time I git all the tray ready the food be cold, By the time I git all the children ready for school it be dinner time. Both of these quotes refer to a typical mothers life. It is evident form the novel the narrator is quite religious as she refers to God at the beginning of every entry, Dear God. She talks about God doing good things and evil for example when she tells her mother the baby is Gods an when the baby is taken away she says God took it.The narrators linguistic skills are displayed on page 4 were she begins set the text out like speech, e.g.Dont nobody come see usShe got sicker and sickerFinally she ast where it is?I say God took itWith this she shows her level of intelligence and degree of education, even though she hasnt had much, what she has been tough she has retained. The narrator notices a change in her stepfather, He act like he cant stand me no more. This indicates he only likes her when she is looking nice, this seems not to be love, but lust Why dont you look decent. At this stage in the novel the narrator is feeling strongly emotional because she as just given birth, her body is flowing with nature, I of breasts full of milk running down myself, ready to feed the new born.The narrator hates her stepfather because all her troubl es relate to him and all she wants is for him to find somebody else, so she and her sister, Nettie are safe I keep hoping he find somebody else to marry. Throughout her letters she keeps her faith in God and she turns to him for help when ever she need to, Ill take care of you with God help. During the first three letters the narrator has been pregnant twice, this shows how frequently she writes the letters. This means when one is reading the novel things happen very quickly and each letter is full of significant events in the narrators life, he came home with a girl around Gray. She be my age but they be married.The narrator seems to have some kind of feelings for her stepfather even though he as abused her from such a young age, I think she though she loved him. But he got so many of us. All needing something this sounds like she has feelings for him. (not quite sure why?) The narrator is concerned for Nettie because she as a boyfriend and he has three children. With her witnes sing her mothers death coursed by a mixture of difficult children and her Stepfather she fears for Nettie, It be more than a notion taking care of children aint even yourn. And look what happened to Ma.Then narrator has been raped and beaten by her stepfather, he beat me today. She develops great abhorrence and hate towards him and men in general; I dont even look at mens. She begins to make the connection between her suffering and male-stream domination. (Stepfather) With this she starts looking to the female gender for comforting thoughts, I look at women. Im not scared of them.The narrator is thinking about her mothers death and she blames her stepfather, Trying to believe his story kilt her. This quote can also be used to link the first part of the essay, when I connected the first comment on page 3 (letter1) with the beginning of the 4th page (ltter2). I suggested that the narrators stepfathers had twisted the facts about the rapes and pregnancy and the above quote seems to rei nforce that analogy. If so, this would explain why the narrators mother was screaming and cussing her. In letter five the reader learns that the narrator is unable to have another pregnancy,Girl at church: You get big if you bleed every monthThe narrator: I dont bleed no moreThis makes the narrator in some way relieved because after her mother died with stress from children and her husband I believe she feels more secure.When Shug Avery is mentioned in letter six and the narrator expresses immediate interest, I ast out new mammy bout Shug Avery. With this her stepmother gets picture of her and the narrator stair at it all night. It is obvious from the novel she likes Shug Avery, also she said she doesnt look at man any more, but women. She seems to be going through a significant change in her life and quite easily the reader can work out that the narrator my be a lesbian. The narrator says Shug is the most beautiful woman she ever saw, she gives the impression Shug Avery is really s pecial and almost sacred to her, she be dressed to kill, whirling an laughing.Letter nine the reader finally learns the narrator name is Celie! Which is a relief from referring to her as the narrator constantly. She tries to protect her sister from the stepfather by offering herself to him, instead of Nettie, I ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick I can fix myself up, but he beats her and calls her trampy and rapes her anyway. This makes me think Celie feels she has nothing to lose because she has already been abused so much, but her sister is pure and Celie seems to be prepared keep it that way.Celies self-confidence is under attack when she over hears a conversation between her stepfather and Netties boyfriend. She feels second best, useless and used when her stepfather describes her as Ugly and Spoiled, it took him the whole spring from March to June, to make his mind up to take me. I think Celies love for Nettie is out standing because all through the n ovel Celie tried her best to protect her, she could come to me if I marry him. Nettie is an intelligent girl and we have evidence of this in letter 7 were she makes the link between Cucumbers and Columbus. This is a significant indication to Netties intellect and should be noted. In the novel there are many small phrases which have great significance.The men in the novel usually treat Celie with no respect and she gets used to being told what to do, Mr. _________ want another look at you. She is normally nervous when she is around men because she doesnt quite know what their response will be. Celie goes in to town and she sees a woman holing a baby Celie believes this is her baby. She begins to show great interest in the baby and she even notes the baby emotions, She fretting over something. She got my eyes just like they is today. Like everything I seen, she seen, and she pondering it. The babys mum tells Celie the baby is called Pauline, but she calls her Olivia. Then Celie tells the reader about the embroidery she did on the babys clothes Olivia, The mum says she calls her Olivia because she looks holy. This seems a feeble reason for calling her Olivia and the reader begins starts to think the baby probably is Celies. Celie and the babys mother are having a conversation, Celie is really enjoying herself, however when the babys dad comes he stops the fun immediately and Celie is yet again left with another male negative encounter.In letter 11 we learn that Nettie comes to stay with Celie and her husband because she has run away from Alphonso. Nettie presence makes Celie feel more comfortable. Celie shows evidence that she still cares more about her sister than herself, It nearly kill me to think she marry somebody likeMr.________. Even though Celie, much of the time, is by herself she says long as I can spell G-O-D is got somebody along. Eventually Mr.________ realises he has failed to seduce Nettie and thrown her out, there is a dramatic plead to let Nett ie stay but Mr. ________ ignores them and regardlessly splits the sisters up. This makes Celie feel lost unwanted and alone, because Nettie was the one who always passed on compliments to her and made her feel better about herself and intelligence.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Euthanasia8 essays

Euthanasia8 essays Its been years now since the hospital said that your dad had a terminal disease. The health administration hasnt found a cure for it and probably wont for years to come. You hate to see your dad like this. All he can do is lay in bed, useless to the world he once helped, and wait to die. This story is sadly what some people face today. There are people who get terminal illnesses but never get cured of them and never die of them. These people almost always live painful lives doing nothing, just waiting to die. Assisted suicide is a perfect solution to some peoples problems. The opposing view is that people have no right to end anyones life at any point in time throughout life. According to Jonathan Gould and Lord Craigmyle, ...euthanasia means the painless killing of men and women to end their sufferings(15). Why do so many people condone euthanasia when it is almost every mans dream? If you consider the facts, everybody would like a painless death. I dont know many people that would like a long and painful death. People would like to die easily or in their sleep. People expect their doctor to relieve them of pain when they are sick. Infact, humans even feel that their animals should be put to death if they are suffering. This is clearly stated by Janelle Rohr when she said, A dying animal is quickly put out of its misery, but no such consideration is offered to the terminally ill human(136). Among certain primitive people, the killing or abandonment of aged or helpless members was an accepted practice(Jonathan Gould and Craigmyle 20). In America we perform abortions, execute murderers and draft young men so they may be slain for their country. But mention the subject of euthanasia and people start to get a little crazy. Having worked in a variety of medical settings, I have seen countless people suffer hideous deaths from illness ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Globalization of the Korean Auto Industry Research Paper

Globalization of the Korean Auto Industry - Research Paper Example State also opted for industry restructuring/ regulating, and concentrated on export led strategy. Rise in domestic demand due to the betterment of economic condition of the country, further enhanced the auto industry of Korea. It took Korea barely three decades to move along the learning curve and secure the place of fifth largest automobile manufacturer in the world. It is notable that exports and foreign auto manufacturers have played a key role in supporting and pulling through the industry in the worst times. This paper throws light on the road taken and success achieved by the Korean automobile industry along with its impact on the economy of Korea. It also aims to explain the reasons for its global competitiveness and what distinguishes it from American automobile industry. The next section of the paper would compare the Korean and American automobile industries which would then be elaborated by an example. It would be followed by the challenges faced currently by the Korean au tomobile industry. Lastly, the paper would conclude with some recommendations to tackle the challenges. Korean Auto Industry Development The history of Korean Automobile Industry can be traced back to 1960s when the Government of Korea took a policy decision to develop auto industry in the country. In the first five year plan of the country, initiated in 1962, emphasis was laid on the creation of indigenous automotive industry. In its initial phase, i.e. in 1960s, the automobile majors were largely involved in assembling of semi knocked down and fully knocked down kits which were nothing but imported components of automobiles. To ease out the conditions for the development of the industry, the state banned import of fully assembled cars although it encouraged foreign partnerships for transfer of technology to the domestic players. With the support of the state, the industry progressed to give rise to four major players which were Hyundai, Kia, Daewoo and Samsung Motors. Hyundai was formed in 1967 with the aim of manufacturing a wholly indigenous car. It started on the learning curve by creating an assembly line to assemble fully knocked down kits. It tied up with Ford, Mitsubishi and Honda for technology transfers in order to initiate local manufacturing of automobiles. It was not until 1976, that Korea achieved the feat of manufacturing automobiles domestically. After eighteen technology transfers, from its foreign partners, Hyundai launched ‘Pony’, in 1976. Pony was the first Korean developed automobile (Korean Development Bank 175). It also holds the distinction of being the first Korean car to be exported. In 1985, Hyundai achieved the landmark quality certifications to meet the quality requirements of EEC, Canada and America which enabled it to export to these geographies also apart from Middle East and Africa. Kia, another automobile firm owned by a chaebol (large Korean business house) was established in 1971. Kia started its product line w ith three wheeled trucks and in a span of three years graduated to manufacture four wheel vehicles. Kia produced its first passenger car ‘Brisa’, in 1974 in technological partnership with Japan’s Honda. Similarly Shinjin Motors (now Daewoo) tied up with Japan’s Toyota to acquire capital and technical knowhow in automobile production. In 1972, Toyota’s share was taken over by General Motors which steered the firm to become the largest automobile